Installing SABnzbd on a Raspberry Pi running OSMC

For quite some time I’ve been running SABnzbd on a PC, downloading files, and then transferring them over the local network to a USB drive attached to a Raspberry Pi which is running OSMC. There’s a Linux version of SABnzbd which means I can cut out the PC and have the Pi handle the downloads. It’ll mean I can queue up the downloads from a web interface running on whatever device I have to hand, like an iPad.

First Try

The initial installation of SABnzbd was quite easy;

sudo apt-get install python-openssl unrar par2

sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus

Edit the settings so that the web client starts up on port 8085..

sudo nano /etc/default/sabnzbdplus


sudo service sabnzbdplus restart

This then allowed me to connect to SABnzbd and transfer over all my settings that I was using on my PC.

Delayed Start

What I found was that SABnzbd started before the USB drive was properly mounted by OSMC, so I disabled the main service from starting up, and added a script to wait for the USB drive to get mounted at a particular path.

There was a good forum post here that pointed me in the right direction.

Disable the default service…

sudo update-rc.d sabnzbdplus disable

Write a quick shell script to wait for the directory/USB drive to be mounted…

nano /home/osmc/


# Wait for this folder to be mounted...

while [ ! -d "$DIR" ]; do
sleep 120

/etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus start

chmod a+x /home/osmc/startsabnzb

Add the script to system startup…

sudo nano /etc/rc.local



The version of SABnzbd that installed above was very dated. That repo doesn’t get updated very often. Here’s how I updated it to the latest version.

sudo su root

echo "deb xenial main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb xenial main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0x98703123E0F52B2BE16D586EF13930B14BB9F05F

sudo apt-get update

Upgrading sabyenc

This solved the issue where SABnzbd was complaining that sabyenc wasn’t the right version. It uses the 2nd repo (sab-addons) we added in the steps above.

sudo apt-get install python-sabyenc

Final thoughts

SABnzbd runs quite well on the Pi. It is a lot slower than it was on a PC.. it only manages about 3 MB/s on the download on a wired connection (compared to 6 MB/s on a Wifi connection on a laptop), and unpacking is slow.

However, the files are unpacked onto the device which I was manually copying the files to anyway, so that saves time.

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